Monthly Archives: September 2012

Dear Readers

Dear Readers,

My name is Aaron August, I am a 19-year-old college student, and I wish to give you a little background on my life experience living and learning under pressure from ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia. This blog I hope will be a source for parents who have children and teens with similar disabilities, also for those same children and teens to try and find help or support to help them in there struggles or success.

I remember first starting to read in fourth grade and having trouble writing anything longer then two or three sentences. Any thing longer had no organization and was a heap or random words. It was also in my early schooling years that I got tested for ADD and Dyslexia it was apparent that I had both.

My savior was a teacher in elementary school by the name of Janice. She helped me through almost everything. She helped me through almost all of my school troubles and that was 10 years ago and I account most of my success to her and my parent’s guidance and pushing.

Here at collage I am still cursed with a bad case of ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia. However, it has become apparent that I can deal with, work around, and in some cases get over my curse with hints and tip I picked up along the way.

This blog is going to give those hints and tips to the children and teens. To the parents I will give some hint about what MIGHT help you child or teen. Keep in mind that not all cases of ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, and learning styles work alike. So if my tips don’t work try something similar but give it a different approach and hope that this blog well help you in your endeavors.


Aaron August


Filed under About Me